ARK Color Codes List (ARK Color IDs)
The list of all 126 ARK color IDs below can be used to change the appearance of creatures. Creatures have up to 6 color regions, numbered 0 to 5.
You can use the setTargetDinoColor
command to edit the colors of a creature. The command setTargetDinoColor 2 30
would set region 2 of the creature to "Dino Light Purple" (color code 30).
ARK Color IDs
Color | Name | Color ID | HEX |
Red | 1 | #ff0000 | |
Blue | 2 | #0000ff | |
Green | 3 | #00ff00 | |
Yellow | 4 | #ffff00 | |
Cyan | 5 | #00ffff | |
Magenta | 6 | #ff00ff | |
Light Green | 7 | #c0ffba | |
Light Grey | 8 | #c8caca | |
Light Brown | 9 | #786759 | |
Light Orange | 10 | #ffb46c | |
Light Yellow | 11 | #fffa8a | |
Light Red | 12 | #ff756c | |
Dark Grey | 13 | #7b7b7b | |
Black | 14 | #3b3b3b | |
Brown | 15 | #593a2a | |
Dark Green | 16 | #224900 | |
Dark Red | 17 | #812118 | |
White | 18 | #ffffff | |
Dino Light Red | 19 | #ffa8a8 | |
Dino Dark Red | 20 | #592b2b | |
Dino Light Orange | 21 | #ffb694 | |
Dino Dark Orange | 22 | #88532f | |
Dino Light Yellow | 23 | #cacaa0 | |
Dino Dark Yellow | 24 | #94946c | |
Dino Light Green | 25 | #e0ffe0 | |
Dino Medium Green | 26 | #799479 | |
Dino Dark Green | 27 | #224122 | |
Dino Light Blue | 28 | #d9e0ff | |
Dino Dark Blue | 29 | #394263 | |
Dino Light Purple | 30 | #e4d9ff | |
Dino Dark Purple | 31 | #403459 | |
Dino Light Brown | 32 | #ffe0ba | |
Dino Medium Brown | 33 | #948575 | |
Dino Dark Brown | 34 | #594e41 | |
Dino Darker Grey | 35 | #595959 | |
Dino Albino | 36 | #ffffff | |
BigFoot0 | 37 | #b79683 | |
BigFoot4 | 38 | #eadad5 | |
BigFoot5 | 39 | #d0a794 | |
WolfFur | 40 | #c3b39f | |
DarkWolfFur | 41 | #887666 | |
DragonBase0 | 42 | #a0664b | |
DragonBase1 | 43 | #cb7956 | |
DragonFire | 44 | #bc4f00 | |
DragonGreen0 | 45 | #79846c | |
DragonGreen1 | 46 | #909c79 | |
DragonGreen2 | 47 | #a5a48b | |
DragonGreen3 | 48 | #74939c | |
WyvernPurple0 | 49 | #787496 | |
WyvernPurple1 | 50 | #b0a2c0 | |
WyvernBlue0 | 51 | #6281a7 | |
WyvernBlue1 | 52 | #485c75 | |
Dino Medium Blue | 53 | #5fa4ea | |
Dino Deep Blue | 54 | #4568d4 | |
NearWhite | 55 | #ededed | |
NearBlack | 56 | #515151 | |
DarkTurquoise | 57 | #184546 | |
MediumTurquoise | 58 | #007060 | |
Turquoise | 59 | #00c5ab | |
GreenSlate | 60 | #40594c | |
Sage | 61 | #3e4f40 | |
DarkWarmGray | 62 | #3b3938 | |
MediumWarmGray | 63 | #585554 | |
LightWarmGray | 64 | #9b9290 | |
DarkCement | 65 | #525b56 | |
LightCement | 66 | #8aa196 | |
LightPink | 67 | #e8b0ff | |
DeepPink | 68 | #ff119a | |
DarkViolet | 69 | #730046 | |
DarkMagenta | 70 | #b70042 | |
BurntSienna | 71 | #7e331e | |
MediumAutumn | 72 | #a93000 | |
Vermillion | 73 | #ef3100 | |
Coral | 74 | #ff5834 | |
Orange | 75 | #ff7f00 | |
Peach | 76 | #ffa73a | |
LightAutumn | 77 | #ae7000 | |
Mustard | 78 | #949427 | |
ActualBlack | 79 | #171717 | |
MidnightBlue | 80 | #191d36 | |
DarkBlue | 81 | #152b3a | |
BlackSands | 82 | #302531 | |
LemonLime | 83 | #a8ff44 | |
Mint | 84 | #38e985 | |
Jade | 85 | #008840 | |
PineGreen | 86 | #0f552e | |
SpruceGreen | 87 | #005b45 | |
LeafGreen | 88 | #5b9725 | |
DarkLavender | 89 | #5e275f | |
MediumLavender | 90 | #853587 | |
Lavender | 91 | #bd77be | |
DarkTeal | 92 | #0e404a | |
MediumTeal | 93 | #105563 | |
Teal | 94 | #14849c | |
PowderBlue | 95 | #82a7ff | |
Glacial | 96 | #aceaff | |
Cammo | 97 | #505118 | |
DryMoss | 98 | #766e3f | |
Custard | 99 | #c0bd5e | |
Cream | 100 | #f4ffc0 | |
Black Dye | 201 | #1f1f1f | |
Blue Dye | 202 | #0000ff | |
Brown Dye | 203 | #756147 | |
Cyan Dye | 204 | #00ffff | |
Forest Dye | 205 | #006c00 | |
Green Dye | 206 | #00ff00 | |
Purple Dye | 207 | #6c00ba | |
Orange Dye | 208 | #ff8800 | |
Parchment Dye | 209 | #ffffba | |
Pink Dye | 210 | #ff7be1 | |
Uncraftable Purple Dye | 211 | #7b00e0 | |
Red Dye | 212 | #ff0000 | |
Royalty Dye | 213 | #7b00a8 | |
Silver Dye | 214 | #e0e0e0 | |
Sky Dye | 215 | #bad4ff | |
Tan Dye | 216 | #ffed82 | |
Tangerine Dye | 217 | #ad652c | |
White Dye | 218 | #fefefe | |
Yellow Dye | 219 | #ffff00 | |
Magenta Dye | 220 | #e71fd9 | |
Brick Dye | 221 | #94341f | |
Cantaloupe Dye | 222 | #ff9a00 | |
Mud Dye | 223 | #473b2b | |
Navy Dye | 224 | #34346c | |
Olive Dye | 225 | #baba59 | |
Slate Dye | 226 | #595959 |